Responsible AI Demos to NSF Delegation

It was great to host the US NSF delegation (including the honorable Sethuraman Panchanathan) and minister Ed Husic MP yesterday and showcase the latest in CSIRO’s Data61 responsible AI research, focusing on responsible AI engineering that bridges the gap between high-level principles/frameworks/standards and low-level algorithms.

In addition to showing how our responsible AI pattern catalogue has been used in AU companies directly or startups for building new products/services, we did two live demos:
1. An AI assistant for stakeholders to ask informed and high-quality questions to understand AI risks – a hint towards the future that it is all about asking AI the right questions and prompt engineering! The system is built on top of an LLM-based chatbot and our curated question bank of hundreds of questions and the associated knowledge graph about AI risks.

2. A cross-platform “dark pattern” detector to detect maliciously or irresponsibly designed UI/UX in real time to help UX/UI designers, consumer protection regulators/advocacy groups and end users.

Aurelie Jacquet presented our international collaboration and standards work. And a big shout out to the people behind the science and the demos Mulong XieJieshan ChenQinghua Lu and our product manager Stuart Banyard

The event also announced three grant-winning AU-US teams to tackle some responsible AI challenges. Data61 is proud to bring the best in the ecosystem along the journey. 

About Me

Research Director, CSIRO’s Data61
Conjoint Professor, CSE UNSW

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