Attorney-General’s Department: RegTech for IR – Opportunities and Lessons

I recently joined a virtual panel organised by Attorney-General’s Department sharing lessons and opportunities in using RegTech in Industrial Relations for the reform working groups. Here are the slides.
CSIRO’s Data61‘s RegTech project (led by Mark Staples) uses rules-as-code principles to turn text rules in legislations, guidance, advices, policies, controls, agreement and contracts into machine understandable code to enable innovative industry and government solutions built on top. We (in partnership with PwC) recently spun out PaidRight which can do health check of payroll data against machine-understandable models of Awards/EA and plan/compare EAs or check for BOOT. Data61 continues to innovate in this space (from building code, to chatbot/intelligent webforms assisting the navigation of complex regulations to ethics and explanations)with our world-leading legal informatics science team. RegTech is also a key piece of technology for COVID19 recovery and resilience as many businesses are changing their business models and need to understand and be compliant with new industry/occupations awards and getting new permits

About Me

Research Director, CSIRO’s Data61
Conjoint Professor, CSE UNSW

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