CEDA Panel: Responsible Artificial Intelligence through ESG

It was a great panel discussion on why we can look at responsible AI through the lens of ESG. My key messages are:

  1. The principles of responsible AI align closely with Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) criteria.
  2. AI does present new types of challenges for detailed measurements and best practices. We are working on them in close collaboration with international partners like OECD.AI.
  3. There shouldn’t be risk silos in an organization that treat ESG, AI, Privacy, Security, Safety/HSE, and other elements in isolation.
  4. Many best practices are like rising tides that lift all boats.

About Me

Research Director, CSIRO’s Data61
Conjoint Professor, CSE UNSW

For other roles, see LinkedIn & Professional activities.

If you’d like to invite me to give a talk, please see here & email liming.zhu@data61.csiro.au

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